News in Category: 2002

New Advisors and Directors On Board

To help us contribute to the development of economic relations between Hong Kong and Thailand, the Hong Kong-Thailand Business Council has enlarged its Advisory Board as well as the Board of Directors. It is an honour to have the following new advisors and directors.

Advisors : Mr. Chatri Sophonpanich
Mr. Allan Zeman
Directors :

Mr. Tom V. Chatjaval
Mr. Kenneth Gaw
Mr. Horst Geicke
Mr. Clayton T. Hebbard
Dr. Harry Lee
Mrs. Katherine Ngan
Mr. David So

Please join us in welcoming them on board. We are sure that the experience and insight that they bring to the Council will be invaluable to our development. In particular, we believe that the expansion of the boards will greatly assist the Hong Kong-Thailand Business Council in fulfilling its mission to bring new opportunities to the business communities of Hong Kong and Thailand.

APEC CEO Summit 2003

The APEC CEO Summit will take place in Bangkok in October 18-21. This prestigious international gathering is once again being held in conjunction with the annual APEC Economic Leaders'' Meeting. The CEO Summit usually attracts around 500 CEOs from member economies of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum. This year, it will be chaired by Dr Vachara Phanchet, secretary-general of the Thai Chamber of Commerce.

The event will be extremely interesting. Those who wish to attend the event, please visit for registration and information. (Click here for Sponsorships)

Hong Kong-Thailand Business Council Launched

A private-sector organization to encourage closer ties and new partnerships between businesses in Hong Kong and Thailand was launched at a special inauguration dinner held in Hong Kong on 25 Sept 2002.

The body, the Hong Kong-Thailand Business Council, has Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra of Thailand and the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR, Tung Chee-hwa as its patrons. The first Chairman of the Council is Mr Bernard Charnwut Chan, Executive Director and Deputy Managing Director of Asia Financial Group.

The inauguration at the Island Shangri-La Hotel was attended by Mr Korn Dabbaransi, Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand, Mr Antony Leung, Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong SAR, Mr Henry Tang, Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology, and Mr Ji Peiding, Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People''s Republic of China in Hong Kong SAR, as well as advisors and founding members of the Council.





  1. 陳智思議員   亞洲金融集團常務董事兼董事副總經理
  2. 陳卓偉先生   TVC Management Ltd董事總經理
  3. 吳繼泰先生   建生國際集團有限公司董事總經理
  4. 佳浩士先生   洋聯集團主席
  5. 何力敦先生   均富會計師行顧問
  6. 李乃熺先生   聯業製衣有限公司董事總經理
  7. 林宣武先生   美羅針織廠(國際)有限公司董事總經理
  8. 顏吳餘英女士  美昌玩具製品廠有限公司董事
  9. 唐大威先生   上海富豪食品有限公司董事總經理


Click here to see more photos



顧問: 陳有漢先生


謹在此熱烈歡迎他們的加入。我們確信,他們豐富的經驗和見識,對於商會的發展是無價之寶。 我們尤相信,擴大顧問委員會和董事會對於發掘兩地商界的新契機,有莫大的幫助。


亞太經濟合作組織工商領導人高峰會將於十月十八日至二十一日在曼谷舉行。這個享負盛名的國際會議將再次與每年一度的亞太經濟合作組織經濟體領導人會議同時舉行。工商領導人高峰會通常吸引大約五百多名工商領導人,他們均是來自亞太經濟合作論壇的經濟體系的成員。今年,高峰會將由泰國商會秘書長Dr Vachara Phanchet主持。




