News in Category: 2003

Lastest Developments in Thailand

On 21 May 2003, His Excellency Thaksin Shinawatra, Prime Minister of Thailand, was invited to give a speech about the lastest developments in Thailand at CLSA virtual forum broadcasted simultaneously in New York, London, Singapore and Hong Kong. (Click here for the speech)

Hong Kong-Thailand Business Council As the IBC Member

The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Donald Tsang, has agreed to admit the Hong Kong-Thailand Business Council ("HKTBC") as a Member of his International Business Committee ("IBC") on April 2003. It is indeed a recognition for HKTBC as one of the major business associations in Hong Kong.

The International Business Committee, meets quarterly, was established in late 1989 with the terms of reference of providing a sounding board and forum for discussion for international business representatives with the Government on matters affecting international perceptions of the business environment in Hong Kong. Current membership includes the Chief Secretary as the Chairman, 27 representatives from foreign chambers of commerce and HKTDC, one ad personam appointment of the Hon Martin Barrow, Secretary for Commerce, Industry & Technology, Director-General of Investment Promotion, Director of Information Services, Deputy Director of Information Services and Assistant Director of Information Services.

The HKTBC shall provide updates in our website or via e-mail, on the issues discussed by IBC.

Cocktail Reception To Greet Khun Tharit Charungvat

A cocktail reception was held on 20 February 2003 to welcome Khun Tharit Charungvat, the new Consul-General of Thailand to Hong Kong SAR. Over 70 HKTBC members attended the reception hosted by our Chairman, Mr. Bernard Chan at 21/F, Asia Financial Centre, 120 Des Voeux Road Central.

During the reception, Mr. Bernard Chan said, "On behalf of the Council, I would like to say to Khun Charungvat that we look forward to working with him and his staff to develop commercial ties and business opportunities between Hong Kong and Thailand and their respective regions. And on behalf of all members of the Council, I would like to say to Khun Tharit Charungvat - a very warm welcome to Hong Kong."

Khun Tharit Charungvat replaces our friend Khun Sihasak, who was so helpful when we were setting up the Council, and who is now a spokesman for the Foreign Affairs Ministry in Bangkok.

Khun Tharit Charungvat - Consul-General of Royal Thai Consulate-General, Hong Kong

Mr. Tharit Charungvat, age 47, has assumed his duty as Consul-General of Thailand to Hong Kong SAR on 18 January 2003.

He joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 1980. He was attache in charge of ASEAN regional cooperation during 1981-1984, and later moved to Policy and Planning Division during 1985-1989 as second secretary.

From 1990-1994 Mr. Charungvat served as first secretary at the Royal Thai Embassy in Brussels where he was assigned chief of Thai-European Union Relations section.

His responsibility was widen and covered cultural aspect of Thai diplomacy while working at the Department of Information during 1994-1995.

In 1996, Mr. Charungvat served as counsellor to the Department of East Asian Affairs, and in 1997 he became Director of Division III which covered Thai-Chinese and Thai- Malaysia bilateral relations.

Before assuming his present post, Mr. Charungvat further developed his career path as a specialist in Thai-Chinese affairs while he served as Deputy Consul-General of the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Kunming for almost 4 years.

Mr. Charungvat obtained a Master of Arts in Asian Studies from School of International Studies, The American University in Washington, D.C. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science major in international relations from Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. He married to Mrs. Vithu Charungvat with one daughter.

香港泰國商會成為International Business Committee會員

政務司長曾蔭權已於2003年4月底接納香港泰國商會加入由其出任主席的International Business Committee("IBC"),成為會員。這確認了香港泰國商會為本港其中一個重要商會的地位。

自1989年下旬成立的IBC,每季開會一次。其主要任務是提供一個良好的機會,讓國際商貿代表與本港的政府官員商討關於國際社會對香港營商環境的影響的事項。現時成員包括主席政務司司長、廿七名本地的外國商會及香港貿易發展局的代表、政務司司長直接委任的the Hon Martin Barrow、工商及科技局局長、投資推廣署署長、政府新聞處處長、副處長及助理處長等。







曾塔勵先生 - 簡介



曾塔勵先生于1980年進入泰國外交部工作。1981-1984年為負責東盟區域合作事務的隨員, 1985-1989年調往政策與計劃處擔任二秘。





曾塔勵先生曾在位於美國華盛頓特區的美國大學國際研究學院獲得亞洲研究方面的文學碩士學位。他在曼谷的朱拉隆奶j學主修國際關係時,曾獲政治學類文學學士學位。他與Vithu Charungvat女士結婚後育有一女。