News in Category: 2004

Breakfast meeting on the development of Thailand Tourism Industry

Breakfast meeting on the development of Thailand Tourism Industry

Hong Kong-Thailand Business Council hosted a breakfast meeting at the Hong Kong Club on 19 November. At the meeting, attended by Council Chairman and Directors, the Chairman of the Hong Kong Tourism Board Mrs Selina Chow and the Commissioner of Tourism Commission Ms Eva Chen, the latest trend of Tourism Industry in Thailand were discussed.

Mr Chanin Donavanik, the President of the Thai Hotels Associations, spoke at the breakfast meeting explained the marketing plans in Thailand. During the meeting, attendees discussed ways to further strengthen hotel industries between Hong Kong and Thailand. They also exchanged views on various ways that could help to develop mutual business.

Luncheon with the delegates from the Thailand-Hong Kong Business Council

In mid of October, directors of Hong Kong-Thailand Business Council have had a luncheon with the delegates from the Thailand-Hong Kong Business Council. Both parties have expressed opinions and exchanged views on some concerned issues relating the automotive, tourism and logistics industries. Our directors suggested that various related parties should put more efforts to foster these special areas. It is hoped, in the long run, to increase business volume in these industries.

It was a very nice meeting and it is hoped that for the benefits of both Council members, similar kind of gathering should be kept on in future so that various opinions and views can be exchanged more actively.

2004 Annual General Meeting

About 50 members turned out for the Council's Annual General Meeting on 13 September 2004. Our Chairman, Mr Bernard Chan, summarized the past activities of the council and stressed that the mission in 2005 and beyond is to expand the number and range of activities. (Please click here for the Chairman's report.)

During the meeting, Mr Bernard Chan, Mr Willy Lin and Mr Raphael Tong were re-elected as Directors for the ensuing year. Simultaneously, Ernst & Young was re-appointed the Council's honorary auditors.

The current Board of Directors consists of 9 directors:

1) The Hon Bernard Chan, Executive Director & Deputy Managing Director of Asia Financial Group

2) Mr Tom V. Chatjaval, Managing Director of TVC Management Ltd

3) Mr Kenneth Gaw, Managing Director of Pioneer Global Group Limited

4) Mr Horst Geicke, Chairman of Pacific Alliance Group Ltd

5) Mr Clayton Hebbard, Consultant of Grant Thornton

6) Dr Harry Lee, Managing Director of TAL Apparel Limited

7) Mr Willy Lin, Managing Director of Milo's Knitwear (International) Ltd

8) Mrs Katherine Ngan, Executive Director of May Cheong Toy Products Fty Ltd

9) Mr Raphael Tong, Managing Director of Shanghai Mister Softee Food Products Co Limited

(In alphabetical order)





  1. 陳智思議員   亞洲金融集團常務董事兼董事副總經理
  2. 陳卓偉先生   TVC Management Ltd董事總經理
  3. 吳繼泰先生   建生國際集團有限公司董事總經理
  4. 佳浩士先生   洋聯集團主席
  5. 何力敦先生   均富會計師行顧問
  6. 李乃熺先生   聯業製衣有限公司董事總經理
  7. 林宣武先生   美羅針織廠(國際)有限公司董事總經理
  8. 顏吳餘英女士  美昌玩具製品廠有限公司董事
  9. 唐大威先生   上海富豪食品有限公司董事總經理







  1. 陳智思議員   亞洲金融集團常務董事兼董事副總經理
  2. 陳卓偉先生   TVC Management Ltd董事總經理
  3. 吳繼泰先生   建生國際集團有限公司董事總經理
  4. 佳浩士先生   洋聯集團主席
  5. 何力敦先生   均富會計師行顧問
  6. 李乃熺先生   聯業製衣有限公司董事總經理
  7. 林宣武先生   美羅針織廠(國際)有限公司董事總經理
  8. 顏吳餘英女士  美昌玩具製品廠有限公司董事
  9. 唐大威先生   上海富豪食品有限公司董事總經理




本會十分榮幸能與香港特別行政區工商及科技局局長曾俊華先生合組訪問團,應邀出席泰港商會於八月廿六日在曼谷Sheraton Grand Sukhumvit 酒店舉行的聯歡晚宴。由九名香港泰國商會董事及會員組成的訪問團,目的在於向泰國商界推廣“更緊密經貿關係安排”(“CEPA”)的益處。

席間,曾俊華先生向與會者說:「在香港生產的374 個中國關稅代碼產品,將可享受零關稅出口的優惠。CEPA為香港公司在十八個服務行業上提供更多的方便,這包括銀行業務、分銷及電訊行業等。同時CEPA也提供巨大的機會給泰國和其他國外公司,在香港設立辦公室或與香港公司結成合作夥伴,甚至收購香港公司等形式進入大陸市場」。






DTAC - 匯聚東與西

擁有六百五十萬用戶的泰國第二大電訊公司DTAC,是一間非常成左漁R威與泰國合資的企業,其兩位總裁Sigve Brekke 先生及Vichai Bencharongkul先生,已於二月十一日在本會於香港會舉行之小型午懋|上,演繹該公司的成奶完D。

Singve Brekke 先生表示,企業必須認識怎樣評估營商環境,認識自己的競爭對手和最重要的是如何運用本身的實力和優勢。另一行政總裁Vichai先生則指出必須培養一種" 反應敏捷、靈活變通"的企業文化。席間,兩位行政總裁各自分享了他們對於"匯聚東與西"理論的獨特見解。




泰國酒店協會主席Mr Chanin Donavanik 為大會主講嘉賓,與與會者分享了泰國旅遊業的市場發展趨勢。並就如何進一步加強兩地酒店業務交換意見,及商討有助雙方拓展業務的多項措施。





Luncheon with Mr Kittiratt Na-Ranong, the President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand

At the luncheon immediately after the Council's 2004 Annual General Meeting on 13 September, Mr Kittiratt Na-Ranong, the President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand, impressed the 90 members and guests with a presentation on "The Economy and Stock Market in Thailand" at the Hong Kong Club. He presented an in-depth analysis on the economic situation in Thailand, including foreign debt, foreign reserves, the interest rate and inflation. He also discussed the likely future trends of the stock market in Thailand. The attendants found the presentation interesting and useful.

泰國證券交易所主席 Mr Kittiratt Na-Ranong 之午擱耨y

泰國證券交易所主席Kittiratt Na-Ranong 先生應邀出席了本會九月十三日在周年大會後之午擱耨y,為九十多位會員及來賓作了以“泰國經濟與股票市場”為主題的精彩演講。他清晰地分析了泰國經濟的形勢,這包括外債、外幣儲備、利率和通貨膨脹等因素。Na-Ranong 先生也討論了泰國股票市場的未來趨向,與會者均感到講座內容有趣且實用。

HKTBC Delegation to Bangkok to promote CEPA

HKTBC Delegation to Bangkok to promote CEPA

We were honoured to form a delegation with the Secretary for Industry and Techonlogy, Mr John Tsang at the gala dinner organized by the Thailand-Hong Kong Business Council in the Ballroom of the Sheraton Grand Sukhumvit Hotel, Bangkok on 26 August 2004. The delegation consisted of 9 directors and members, with the aim of promoting the benefits of CEPA to the Thai business community.

Mr Tsang told the audience during the dinner that, "Hong Kong products covered by 374 Mainland tariff codes can now enjoy zero tariffs when exported to the Mainland. CEPA also gives Hong Kong companies greater access to the Mainland in 18 services sectors, including banking, distribution and telecommunications. CEPA offers tremendous opportunities for Thai and other overseas companies to enter the Mainland market by setting up in Hong Kong, partnering with Hong Kong companies, or even acquiring a company in Hong Kong."

He also emphasized that by partnering with Hong Kong businesses and drawing on their decades of experiences in the Mainland, overseas companies can gain a fast track into that burgeoning market. Mr Tsang concluded by saying that "The best way to enter the Mainland market is to set up manufacturing operations in the PRD while running management, finance and distribution out of Hong Kong. It is a business model that combines the low costs and efficiency of the Pearl River Delta with Hong Kong's sophisticated business infrastructure."

The Hon. Bernard Chan was conferred the Commander (Third class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand

The Hon. Bernard Chan was conferred the Commander (Third class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand

Our Chairman, The Honourable Bernard Charnwut Chan, JP, was awarded the Commander (Third Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand on 18 June 2004 for his distinguished and outstanding contribution to the promotion and development of business between Thailand and Hong Kong.

The ceremony was held in the Royal Thai Consulate-General with more than 20 guests, including Ms Denise Yu, Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Industry, Mr Kelvin Ho, Director-General of Trade and Industry and Dr Eden Woo, CEO of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce etc, to witness the conferment.

East meets West in DTAC

East meets West in DTAC

Being the second largest Thailand mobile phone operator with more than 6.5 million subscribers, DTAC is a very successful joint venture between Norway and Thailand. Mr Sigve Brekke and Mr Vichai Bencharongkul, the co-CEOs of DTAC, addressed their winning strategies at the Council's February 11 roundtable lunch at the Hong Kong Club.

"They must know how to evaluate the environment, know who our competitors are and more importantly, know how to use the company's strengths and advantages," Brekke said. The other CEO, Sigve added "a company should develop a culture that can react quickly and effectively to change". The co-CEO's shared their valuable insight on their philosophy of "East meets West" for investors with an interest in overseas joint ventures.

All the audiences were very impressed and enlightened by the co-CEO's analysis on managing and operating a successful Thai-foreign joint ventrure.