News in Category: 2005

The Third Annual Co-operation Meeting

The Third Annual Co-operation Meeting

The 3rd Annual Co-operation meeting between directors of Hong Kong-Thailand Business Council and Thailand-Hong Kong Business Council had been held on 26 October. We also have the pleasure that Mr Arthur Ho, Head of Hong Kong Guangdong Cooperation Coordinatino Unit, Mr Alan Wong, Deputy Executive Director of Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Mrs Srimaitreephit & Ms Palawongse from the Royal Thai Consulate General joined us.

During the meeting, both parties expressed opinions and exchanged views on various issues. It was a very nice meeting and it is hoped that similar kind of gathering should be kept on in future so that various opinions and views can be exchanged frequently to help develop business and commercial ties between Hong Kong and Thailand.

Luncheon Talk with Dr Suvarn Valaisathien

Dr Suvarn Valaisathien who is one of the Thailand's premier tax lawyers and was a prominent member of the Committee that negotiated and drafted the new Hong Kong-Thailand Double Tax Treaty, gave us a talk at the luncheon immediately after the Council's 2005 Annual General Meeting on 2 September. Dr Suvarn impressed our members and guests with a presentation on "How Hong Kong companies and individuals will be able to take advantage of the Hong Kong-Thailand Double Tax Treaty which comes into force at the beginning of 2006" at the Hong Kong Club. He presented an in-depth analysis on the pros and cons of the Double Tax Treaty and also discussed the likely future trends of the economic situations in Thailand. The attendants found the presentation interesting and useful.

"Discover the Hong Kong Magic" - Tourism Promotion in Bangkok

Our Chairman, Mr Bernard Chan, joined as the Honourable guest of the Hong Kong Delegation to promote Hong Kong Tourism in Thailand on 9 May 2005. The delegation was headed by the Financial Secretary, The Hon. Henry Tang, with 16 delegates including Government officials, leaders of the tourism industry and operators of new attractions.

More than 250 representatives from the Thailand tourism organizations and travel trade attended the luncheon presentation which provided a golden opportunity for the delegation to network with their counterparts in Bangkok and to brief the Thai media of the strength of Hong Kong's tourism.

Please click here to view the Speech by the Financial Secretary.

Luncheon on "Understanding Thailand's Foreign Real Estate Ownership Laws and Regulations"

Luncheon on

Ms Cynthia Pornavalai, Attorney at Law, was invited as the keynote speaker at the Council's roundtable luncheon on 20 April. She shared her experiences with members and guests on handling commercial transactions and quoted several specific examples of how foreign real estate ownership transactions were structured in Thailand. She also gave strategic advices on how foreigners should do today to ensure security of tenure and financing on real estate purchases in Thailand.

Our Council director, Mr Clayton Hebbard, founding partner of Grant Thornton Thailand, also highlighted some of the problems faced by foreign real estate purchasers in Thailand. The luncheon provided a good platform for audiences to thoroughly understand the Thailand's land-ownership rules and regulations.

2005 Annual General Meeting

About 30 members attended the Council's Annual General Meeting on 2 September 2005. Our Chairman, Mr Bernard Chan, summarized the past activities of the council and stressed that the mission in 2005 and beyond is to expand the number and range of activities.

During the meeting, Mr Tom V Chatjaval, Mr Kenneth Gaw and Mr Horst Geicke were re-elected as Directors for the ensuing year. Simultaneously, Mr William Chao of Wing Wah Limited was elected as new director while Ernst & Young was re-appointed the Council's honorary auditors.

The current Board of Directors consists of 10 directors:

1) The Hon Bernard Chan, Executive Director & Deputy Managing Director of Asia Financial Group

2) Mr William Chao, Managing Director of Wing Wah Limited

3) Mr Tom V. Chatjaval, Managing Director of TVC Management Ltd

4) Mr Kenneth Gaw, Managing Director of Pioneer Global Group Limited

5) Mr Horst Geicke, Chairman of Pacific Alliance Group Ltd

6) Mr Clayton Hebbard, Consultant of Grant Thornton

7) Dr Harry Lee, Managing Director of TAL Apparel Limited

8) Mr Willy Lin, Managing Director of Milo's Knitwear (International) Ltd

9) Mrs Katherine Ngan, Executive Director of May Cheong Toy Products Fty Ltd

10) Mr Raphael Tong, Managing Director of Shanghai Mister Softee Food Products Co Limited

(In alphabetical order)


Cynthia Pornavalai 律師應本會邀請,在於四月廿日的午懋|上擔任主講嘉賓。她與會員和嘉賓們分享如何處理商業交易,並以多個實例講解外資如何在泰國處理房地產的交易和業權。同時,她也就如何獲得泰國土地使用權的保障和購買物業的財務安排,提供了寶貴的意見。

同時,本會董事及泰國Grant Thornton創辦合夥人Clayton Hebbard先生也列出了外資在購買泰國物業時須面對的問題。午懋|令與會者清楚瞭解有關泰國房地產擁有權的法律及規則。




超過250 位泰國旅遊業團體的代表出席了午擱耨y,為代表團在曼谷與同業加強聯繫、向泰國傳媒介紹香港旅遊業的優點,提供了一個良機。



Luncheon with the President of the Government Housing Bank

Luncheon with the President of the Government Housing Bank

Mr Khan Prachuabmoh, the President of the Government Housing Bank of Thailand, spoke at the HKTBC’s roundtable luncheon at the Hong Kong Club on 26 January to share his views on “Post-Tsunami Real Estate Investment and Financing Opportunities in Thailand”.

Mr Prachuabmoh said “As the exports grew by 24 per cent in 2004 together with the Thai GDP is expected to grow at 6 percent in 2005, I expect that the real estates investment opportunities is brilliant in the coming years.” He also concluded that the Government clearly intends to rebuild damaged tourist areas, the infrastructure as well as to reconstruct the hotels and tourist resorts.