The Hong Kong Trade Development Council has kindly offered our council complimentary tickets to attend their Business of Intellectual Property Asia Forum (BIP Asia).
The BIP Asia is the HKTDC's annual anchor IP event, aiming at facilitating international enterprises to manage and monetize their IP as part of their overall business strategy through the Hong Kong platform, which has distinct advantages serving as the regional IP marketplace. Last year, the 2nd edition of the event attracted 39 internationally renowned speakers from Hong Kong and overseas and over 1,400 participants from 23 countries and regions.
Co-organised by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the Hong Kong-ASEAN Business Partnership Symposium updated us on the latest trade and investment opportunities of the booming ASEAN market. The role of Hong Kong in ASEAN's economic integration process was highlighted. Economic ministers of the ten ASEAN member countries each led a business delegation to attend the event.
This Symposium was a unique opportunity for Hong Kong SMEs to learn first-hand information from the participating ASEAN senior government officials about the great potential of this thriving market and to build networks with the ASEAN business delegates.
About 18 members attended the Council's Annual General Meeting. The year 2012 saw Thailand's economy performed well, given the uncertainties in the world, while the government proceeded with reforms in such areas as education. The Council played its part in keeping members informed about the changing political and economic situation in the Kingdom and the affects of global events on Hong Kong and the Mainland. We also continued to develop ties with other organizations.
Mr. Willy Lin, JP, Mr. Raphael Tong, MR. Kenneth Gaw and Mr. Tom C Chatjaval were re-elected as Directors for the ensuing year. Simultaneously, Ernst & Young was re-appointed the Council's Honorary Auditors. The current Board of Directors consists of 12 directors:
1) Mr. Bernard Chan, GBS, JP, President of Asia Financial Group
2) Mr. William Chao, Managing Director of Wing Wah Limited
3) Mr. Tom V. Chatjaval, Founder and Chairman & CEO of TVC Management Ltd
4) Mr. Kenneth Gaw, President & Managing Principal of Gaw Capital
5) Mr. Horst Geicke, Chairman and Co-Founder of Pacific Alliance Group, VinaCapital Group
6) M. Clayton T. Hebbard, Consultant of Grant Thornton
7) Dr. Harry Lee, SBS, JP, Managing Director of TAL Apparel Limited
8) Mr. Willy Lin, Managing Director of Milo's Knitwear (International) Ltd
9) Mrs. Katherine Ngan, JP, Executive Director of May Cheong Toy Products Fty Ltd
10) Mr. Raphael Tong, Managing Director of Shanghai Mister Softee Food Products Co Limited
11) Mr. Benjamin Lam, Executive Director & Deputy CEO of Pacific Century Premium Development Ltd
12) Mr. Benjamin Cha, Executive Director of HKR International Ltd
We were honored to have a special guest joining us at the luncheon right after our AGM, Ms. Barbara Meybert, Chairman of the Regional Connectivity Task Force of United Nations ?V Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Business Advisory Council, and Board Member of the Fung Global Institute.
Business leader and entrepreneur, Barbara Meynert has enjoyed an international career in investment banking, commercial and regulatory institutions, and board directorships in the corporate and non-profit sectors in Asia and Europe. She has served such global organizations as the World Economic Forum and the International Chamber of Commerce.
Barbara Meynert has been a long-time director and advisor to the Li and Fung Group and subsidiary companies. She served as a director and advisor in the establishment of both the Hong Kong Airport Authority and the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. Before that, she was Managing Director of Barclays Investment Bank BZW in Hong Kong and Asia following her position as Chief Executive of Kredietbank Luxembourg??s Asia-Pacific operations.
A graduate of the University of Hong Kong and the London School of Economics, Barbara Meynert is based in Bangkok.
In recent years, both in Hong Kong and internationally, an increased attention has been placed on board diversity, and, in particular, on the need to include more women in boardroom. How can this be achieved? Ms. Stefania Lucchetti, partner at Howse Williams Bowers, discussed the environmental and personal elements that help the rise of women to leadership position at this luncheon event.
China has established itself as one of the most popular destinations for foreign direct investments. Eyeing on the vast market in China, many foreign investors are interested in establishing a foothold in China.
Establishing a wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) in China may seem to be a convenient option to start. However, foreign investors may have heard mixed comments about the success in running a WFOE in China. This seminar equipped the attendees with the necessary knowledge to get things right in the beginning so as to avoid future problems.
The Financial Secretary Mr. John Tsang delivered the Hong Kong Budget Speech 2013/2014 on February 27. Looking ahead to the coming Budget, you may have some of the following questions in mind: Will there be any implications of the 2013/2014 Budget tax proposals to you and your business? Will there be any opportunities laid out in the Budget tax proposals that could benefit your organization? How will the Budget impact your business from the tax perspective?
Ernst & Young's tax partner Ms. Tracy Ho and senior manager Ms. Kathy Kun had taken the participants through the key tax issues and implications of the 2013/2014 Budget tax proposals. And they shared their in-depth perspectives on the Budget tax proposals and clarified these proposals during this interactive A & A session.
The HKSAR Chief Executive, the Honourable Leung Chun-ying, deliverd his first Policy Address to the Legislative Council in mid-January 2013.
We are deeply honoured that Mr Leung has accepted our invitation to talk to the Hong Kong business community at a joint luncheon At this luncheon, the business community were able to hear Mr Leung's further elaboration on his Policy Address. Participants were able to learn more about his initiatives and directives for tackling key issues, such as housing, old age benefits, air quality and Hong Kong's competitiveness in the year ahead.