Luncheon with Professor Dr. Chira Hongladarom "ASEAN-Hong Kong Economic and Business Partnership"
He was the founder and Executive Director of the Human Resources Institute, Thammasat University, and was Vice Rector for Research and Academic Services at Thammasat University. Among the many positions he has held are: Advisor to Thai government officials from Prime Minister-level down; Chairman of the Advisory Council for Labour Development, and Member of the Tourism Authority of Thailand Board. He has also served as an Advisor to the International Labour Organization and the World Bank.
He also has wide experience in other public and business areas and has produced reports and publications on various social, economic and market subjects. He has taught at Thammasat, Chiangmai, Kasetsart, Songkla Nakarin and Assumption Universities in Thailand as well as the National Defense College and at other institutions in Asia and the USA. He is also a broadcaster, columnist and speaker.